Hopefully, recess is know over.
I now have a new representative for South-East Asia: Thierry Mariani
He used to be the representative of Vaucluse, I suppose it's a considerable improvement?
As representative of Vaucluse (4th)
As representative of Asia (11th)
- Mariani on Rue89 (in french)
- Interview given to LeMonde (in french)
I'm pretty proud that France have now representative for french migrants. I'm not sure it happend in all democracies to give an access to his migrant population to be represented at the Assembly. For countries with a strong and various migrant population, it's might be a significant impact. France have only 2 millions migrants over the world, it's not really a big deal (about 2% of the Fench Metropole population)
I'm also surprise to see how easy it is to give representative to french migrants, and how hard it is to give democratic power to foreign migrant in France?
So far, for the last Legislature, main concern of Mr. Mariani are immigrations, nationality, immigrants, surveillance, filling...
For me, it's sound that's a far right position, not really my taste.
Let see if through the upcoming Legislature, I'll have a chance to contact and meet my representative, to let him know what my concerns are.